Showing posts tagged #Dwarf Fortress - Show all

January 28, 2015
Working on the units screen and all the stuff related to meetings with diplomats/liaison now.

Dwarf Fortress Remote for iOS status update

January 19, 2015

Recently added:

  • squads menu (switching alerts, issuing move/attack orders)
  • standing orders
  • labour management
  • status screen - better overview, animals, stone
  • reports screen

Everything else:

  • designations
  • building and querying of almost all buildings. This includes job management in workshops, farm plot settings, stockpile settings, room creation and assignment to units and squads, and operations on items in buildings.
  • stockpile creation
  • nobles and admnistrators, although some things are missing here
  • wealth and food stores info on status screen
  • kitchen preferences
  • announcement display and announcements screen
  • manager screen
  • status screen - overview, kitchen prefs
  • trading and moving goods to/from depot, although some things are missing here as well
January 4, 2015
Standing orders, Stone and Status screens. Also, currently working on Animals screen, it turned out to be more complex than I anticipated.
December 24, 2014
New main menu, nicer top bar, and a short demo of issuing an attack order to a squad.

Bringing Dwarf Fortress to iOS

December 20, 2014
Haven't announced my new project here yet. After Text Will Be Text, Web Fortress and several other Dwarf Fortress-related tools, I'm now working on something really big. It's a native app to play Dwarf Fortress on iPhone (remotely, it's not a port of DF to iOS of course). Currently in early stages of development. Below is a bit outdated first public video of the new app, now I'm planning to post status updates more frequently here and on Twitter. Also some screenshots,  answers to questions and current (at the time of writing) status. At the moment I'm working on squads (done), standing orders and labour management interfaces.