Planito data sources and data formats

October 13, 2011
Planito is designed to support loading and displaying data from various sources and in various data formats. It uses one internal data format plus different pluggable Providers to load (or maybe generate) data and transform it to internal format if needed.

In the first version there are providers to fetch any data from remote server (in case it is already in internal format), to fetch images from WMS server, and to transform XML data using specified XSL transformation. Last one is the most important since it allows to display geospatial data from any source that provide it in XML format just by specifying appropriate XSLT code in configuration file. In next versions we will add more providers to support other common file formats for geospatial data. Also currently Planito is limited to loading its configuration (ie. description of layers) from single place (our server). This limitation will be removed as soon as all internal and configuration file formats are finally determined and documented. In the meanwhile anybody can send us information about interesting data sources for inclusion into official layer set.

Announcing Planito application

October 9, 2011
I’m happy to announce our first Mac application - Planito. Planito is your browser for planet Earth (and others). It is an online and offline viewer for aerial imagery, maps, placemarks and other geospatial data layers for Earth, Moon and other planets from various data sources. In its simplest form Planito can be used as online and offline viewer for OpenStreetMap-family maps. But there are many more layers available with interesting and useful data for travelers, students and teachers, scientists. Here are only some of them: objects, hotels, current temperature from weather stations all over the world, US Topo Maps, UNESCO World Heritage sites. Thanks to extensible architecture more and more layers will become available for existing and new users.
  • Layered display - you decide what information you want to see
  • Multitouch navigation, Lion fullscreen mode
  • Bookmarks, Search, Offline mode
  • Support for autoupdating layers with dynamic data (eg. temperature data, earthquakes, etc.)
  • Tile Downloader to download specified area and zoom levels for offline usage, supporting simultaneous downloading of tiles for different layers or areas
  • Own URL protocol to easily share links to points of interest (also handles NASA WorldWind links)
  • Paste & Go feature that accepts links from many browser-based map services
Planito is currently in review and will be available soon from the Mac App Store for introductory price of $2.99 (USD).

Planito in the Mac App StorePlanito home page | Planito on Facebook


I really like Obj-C

September 17, 2011
How many lines will it take to write this in any other language?
lineHeight = [[[[[[doc rootElement] elementsForName:@“common”] lastObject] attributeForName:@“lineHeight”] stringValue] doubleValue];

Guess what new app I’m developing now

September 15, 2011
^(?:([0-9]+)(?:(?:°|d|:)(?: *(?:([0-9]+)(?:(?:′|’|:)(?: *([0-9.]+)(?:″|“)?)?)?|([0-9.]+)(?:′|’)?))?)?|([0-9.]+)) *(N|S)[ ,]*(?:([0-9]+)(?:(?:°|d|:)(?: *(?:([0-9]+)(?:(?:′|’|:)(?: *([0-9.]+)(?:″|”)?)?)?|([0-9.]+)(?:′|’)?))?)?|([0-9.]+)) *(W|E)$</p>

Далеко не все упрощающие жизнь изобретения и технологии идут на пользу

September 9, 2011
Кто-то придумал FUSE. Теперь вместо того, чтобы приложить усилия и написать нормальный модуль для ядра или придумать что-то еще, пишут тормозных уродцев в юзерспейсе.

Другая контора доработала Wine и стала предлагать технологию переноса виндовых игр на мак. Теперь вместо разработки нативных версий выпускают опять же тормозных уродцев. Меня очень расстраивает использование чего-то из этого, кроме, быть может, когда нет совсем крайней необходимости.
July 12, 2011
Для успокоения себя подумай о шпагате: люди, которые садятся на шпагат не имеют проблем при ходьбе - ноги у них не разъезжаются, они ходят так же, как и все остальные.

On the future of SoundGrid and SoundGrid Live!

July 7, 2011
In this post I want to address two questions users often ask now after the release of SoundGrid Live!.

First, I want to clarify that SoundGrid Live! is not a ‘next version’ of SoundGrid in regard to future development. This means that original SoundGrid will not be abandoned and both applications will be developed and supported further. Moreover, many new features of SoundGrid Live! will be added to SoundGrid in next updates as well. SoundGrid will be focused on programming melodies using eight patterns playing one after another (or in any order manually) - that’s so-called 'song mode’ which most of the users enjoy. While SoundGrid Live! is meant for live performances, it doesn’t have way to automatically play one block after another to create pre-programmed song but has more blocks, more layers and more performance modes. Second question is why SoundGrid Live! had to be separate application and not a free update to SoundGrid. The main reason for this is that some of new performance modes in SoundGrid Live! are incompatible with 'song mode’ of SoundGrid (and therefore with grid sharing too). So basically SoundGrid and SoundGrid Live! being separate applications allows me to add features specific to each application without any limitations and keeping them simple and easy to use. As always, I’m open to any suggestions about new features of both applications.

Kenn Neely about SoundGrid Live!

June 30, 2011
What an impressive app this is going to be. My over all review would be that this is a powerful tool for live as well as recorded performance. I noticed that simply entering notes is easier on this app and the overall UI is pretty easy to navigate.  Other similar apps seem very crowded on i phone screen, the space on this one is well thought out. As well all the extra free voices are amazing (most other apps charge for extra features)

I really hope this app puts mifki onto the main stream of cutting edge apps! kenn neely a.k.a. kennetik
Kenn is long-time SoundGrid and now SoundGrid Live! user. Check out his tracks including the ones created in SoundGrid here:

One way to import samples in SoundGrid Live!

June 9, 2011

Other ways include iTunes File Sharing and web interface. By the way, you can add MP3s (M4As, …) too and use them as background for your performance or somehow else.


Творческо-техническая депрессия

May 22, 2011

У меня. Не могу добиться равномерной резкости по всему кадру при проекции. Ладно, я смирился с покупкой только рамок со стеклом по евро за штуку. Но и это, почему-то, не решает проблему полностью.

То ли и в рамке со стеклом слайд немного выгибается. Что весьма странно, ибо его там вроде как хорошо сплющивает. Зато по характеру нерезкости подходит - выгибать-то как угодно может.

То ли это просто такой объектив проекционный у меня. Это был бы самый хороший вариант, ибо объектив я все равно собираюсь менять. Но тогда бы оно было по краям всегда бы нерезко и не подстраивалось бы, не?

То ли объектив или рамка криво сидит в проекторе. Это тоже решается новым проектором, хотя и сильно дороже. Но по характеру нерезкости это маловероятно.

В общем, не понятно, как лечить. Придумал только радикальное решение - приделать к объективу диафрагму, тогда должно стать везде резко. Но и темнее будет.

А на Эктар такие красивые картинки получаются.. И снимать легко. Но что мне потом с негативами-то делать…
