As usual, releasing an app to masses revealed some bugs

January 16, 2016
EDIT: The fixed version is already approved and available.

As usual, releasing an app to masses revealed some bugs, including crashes. I’ve already submitted an update, and will try to fix problems as sook as possible in future, however the App Store review process will delay updates a bit. Bugs on the server side will be fixed much faster because of the automatic update functionality of the server component. First, unfortunately, iTunes File Sharing was not enabled properly, so you can not install new tilesets or colour schemes. Hope you like Spacefox 🙂 There’s also a crash when changing stockpile max barrel/bin settings and closing the view right after. Number of other less critical bugs have been fixed as well. I ask everyone experiencing crashes to contact me via and tell what they were doing, because it is not always easy or even possible to determine from the crash log.