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Lever is a building that can be linked to one or more devices such as doors, bridges or supports, permitting you to control these devices remotely. One mechanism is required to construct a lever, and then two more are required to link the lever with a device.
Upon being pulled, the state of the lever changes, and everything they're connected to updates to the corresponding state of that lever, and does not just change states ("toggle"). Gear assemblies are the sole exception to this.
- Doors and Hatches open and close.
- Supports collapse, potentially causing a cave-in.
- Bridges raise and lower, or retract and extend, depending on the type of bridge.
- Floodgates open and close.
- Gear assemblies toggle between engaged and disengaged (disengaged assemblies can't support other machinery).
- Restraints release the creature assigned to them (leaving the restraint attached to the creature and, at present, unrecoverable).
- Cages are deconstructed, releasing their occupants.
- Spikes raise and lower.
Labors: Lever operation